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Meilleurs lieux, salles, hôtels et activités pour séminaires d'entreprise


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Hôtels séminaires//H10 Duque de Loulé

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H10 Duque de Loulé

Hôtels séminaires

- Hôtels séminaires


Opened in March 2015, the H10 Duque de Loulé is an exclusive and charming hotel, located in one of central Lisbon’s historical buildings. Carefully renovated and decorated by the prestigious interior designer Lázaro Rosa-Violán, it maintains its beautiful façade, a typical example of 18th-century architecture, and its interior design blends traditional Portuguese features with highly modern and functional facilities.

The H10 Duque de Loulé has a meeting room with natural light, capacity for up to 120 people and equipped with everything you need to hold work meetings or any type of event. Furthermore, it boasts a Rooftop Bar ideal for holding drinks receptions, coffee-breaks and other events up to 70 people in unique and relaxed surroundings.


H10 Hotels’ Boutique Hotels are characterised by their exceptional locations, elegant and welcoming interior design and personalised service to guarantee customers’ comfort and wellbeing.


Humberto Delgado : 7 km


Rossio : 2 km

Voir les coordonnées
Contact : Inês Silva
Téléphone : +351213182005
Email : mice.hdl@h10hotels.com

1050-088, 0

The bright rooms at the H10 Duque de Loulé are decorated in a very modern and elegant design, using mainly white and blue tones. The traditional Portuguese white and blue tiles and the cosy reading corner by the window create a charming environment. All the rooms feature all the facilities you would expect from a Boutique Hotel.


​In the H10 Duque you can enjoy a delicious fusion of Portuguese and Spanish flavours in the Azul e Branco restaurant. Then relax over a coffee in the Equestre Bar or take in the fantastic city views from the hotel’s Chill-Out Limão terrace.

Salles de séminaire

The H10 Duque de Loulé has two meeting rooms with natural light. Santa Marta, with capacity for up to 120 people, and Santo António, with capacity for up to 35 people. Both rooms are equipped with everything you need to hold work meetings or any type of event. Furthermore, it boasts a superior rooms ideal for holding drinks receptions, coffee-breaks and other events up to 70 people in unique and relaxed surroundings.

Configuration h Lumière du jour
Santo António 24 20 / / 35 30 35 / 30 NON
Santa Marta 40 40 35 40 120 70 140 / 120 OUI


03 44 58 50 60

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